Usually when you show up at a brewery and learn that they aren’t giving any public tours that day, you feel like a jackass. Especially when you’ve driven through traffic to get…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 154
Apologies for the late post. It’s already early Monday morning (as in, past midnight) and I have been busy from the moment I awoke Sunday morning. This is the first chance I’ve…
The Top Ten Better Ways To Waste Precious Moments Of My Life Than Researching The Daytona 500
What a fool was I to think that I could realistically pen a Friday Top 500 list in less than 24 hours. Sorry to get your hopes up, but you’re going to…
Killdozer – November 4th, 2008 (Live On WFMU)
The following recording was taken from WFMU’s Beware of The Blog, and I have no shame in posting the files here because I will be providing their blog with fresh content later…
DVD Review: Jeff Buckley: Grace Around The World
My dear friends at Sony have once again gifted me with a fantastic piece of music history to enjoy and share with my audience. The deluxe 2DVD-1CD edition of Jeff Buckley: Grace…
Sperrmull – Sperrmull
From the venerable Kosmiche tome Cosmic Dreams At Play: “Sperrmull’s only album has all the musical variety you’ll ever desire from an early 70s German album – the jolly mandolin tune on…
Gilroy Garlic Festival Recap: A Week In Photos
Before posting the photos I just want to share an e-mail I got from Ian’s little sister Amanda. She writes, “Ava Jean Perillo was born in May with a rare optical disease…
Alterations – Voila Enough!
I’m pretty sure that even my longest-time readers will be hard pressed to remember this entry. One of the first record reviews ever published on this website was for the album Voila!…
Gilroy Garlic Festival: Sunday
Reveille at 8:15am this morning. A quick shower, no time for breakfast, and we left Nicci’s mom’s house for the final day of the festival. We travelled in two cars today, so…
Gilroy Garlic Festival: Saturday
Oh these busy, busy days. I wish they could all begin with ice cream and end with root beer floats! I’d weigh 900 pounds and be severely diabetic (maybe even dead!), but…