

Lunar Mitsubishi Eclipse Chewing Gum

Hey, fatso, yeah I’m talking to you. I don’t see any other fatties around here…

Did you all get to see the total lunar eclipse last night? It was quite fun to watch. From 1:51am until shortly after 3:00am, I was outside watching the moon passing through the Earth’s shadow. I also spent time watching a homeless man steal a bicycle, break into a locked trash receptacle at the law offices next door, and run away with a full trash bag. I had a great view of downtown from the balcony a speeding vehicle getting pulled over on the 101. Oh, and various helicopters flew over the park with their searchlights turned on, but that’s nothing new. According to some fancy page set up to document the event over at Wikipedia: “the Moon entered the Earth’s penumbra at 07:53:39 UTC. The first partial phase began in earnest at 08:51:16 UTC when the Moon entered the Earth’s umbra. It exited the penumbra at 13:21:02 UTC. Viewing from Oceania is favored for the eclipse, because at the moment of greatest eclipse (10:37:22 UTC), the Moon was at the zenith of French Polynesia. Alaska and the Pacific regions of the continental United States witnessed the whole event, along with most of eastern Australia, New Zealand and all in the Pacific Island regions (except New Guinea), and the tip of the Chukchi Peninsula that includes the town of Uelen, Russia. The majority of the Americas observed an abbreviated eclipse, with moonset occurring at some time during the eclipse.”

Here’s what I saw:

Tomorrow I’ll return with a normal update. I’ve got things to do today.