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  • Deerhoof / Autolux – Natural History Museum; Los Angeles, CA

Deerhoof / Autolux – Natural History Museum; Los Angeles, CA

Last night I saw Autolux / Deerhoof at the Natural History Museum. Despite the surreal atmosphere (they performed inside the North American Mammal room, which probably provided for some really fucked up pictures, but I didn’t take any), it was actually pretty sub-par. Perhaps this had something to do with the event being all-ages, or the cramped confines of the room. I saw a couple girls pass out and get dragged out of the crowd. Autolux played a 45-minute set, which consisted mostly of ambient sounds and then two quick tunes I did not recognize.

Deerhoof played slightly longer (an hour?), but I was gone before they finished. The best part of the night was seeing Vincent Gallo hanging out with under-aged girls and having Dennis Hopper sit on the railing two feet away from me for the entirety of Autolux’s set. After the show everyone went to Steve and John’s apartment and drank and talked. Then Ilya and I sang a few bars from “Wonderwall” while a girl vomited outside the apartment complex. Good times!

photos courtesy of Kyllum