

Top Ten! Top Ten! Top Ten!

Right after my post yesterday, Z called and asked if I wanted to help him build an inflatable. He brought over some materials, and we went out in the backyard to construct what became a real behemoth of a bubble. We brought it over to Riker Hill Art Park and stole some juice from the glass blower lady to inflate it outdoors. Several people stopped by to peek inside, including a local welder (iron worker? what’s the correct term?) who regaled us with stories of how Ken Kesey once contacted him about “taking a few bus rides with Kesey and friends.” After an evening of collecting material with the new microphones, we inflated the bubble in the basement and managed to fit 5 people, several pillows, blankets, a lamp, a stereo, and more inside comfortably. Ken even fell asleep for awhile. I think Z should to start a business where he coordinates roving bubble parties. Here are some photos:

Original Indoor inflation
Weird Vortex Effect Inside Bubble
Outdoors at the Art Park
Sunset From A Bubble
End of the Night, Graffiti’d Bubble

Another Friday in December means another Year-End list. Here’s a pretty self-absorbed one–the best of 2006’s TOP TEN lists.


Honorable Mention: The Drunk One, The Desk, The Documentaries, The Halloween Costume, The Book.

10) top ten things you don’t normally hear at a strip club – this one received the most comments of any, I think. It’s also quite funny, and 100% accurate (I think?). If it’s not, blame Vicodin.

09) top ten crap ’90s alterna-rock bands – For every serious music list I make, there’s a dozen really stupid lists. This is one of those stupid lists.

08) top ten ways to earn fast cash – The subtitle says, “written by a Jew,” so you know it’s going to work if you give it a shot.

07) top ten modern female songwriters – I included this one for two reasons. I speak a lot about music here, so I need to include at least one music-related list. Also, it’s a serious list, as opposed to the rest of the lists, which are just bad jokes.

06) top ten sad things 🙁 – They weren’t very generalized sad things, but if you read it you’ll likely laugh, and you might realize that you and I find the same things to be sad. I feel so, so sorry for the person who reads this and thinks, “Wow, he and I have so much in common.”

05) top ten advice for being noticed by (and consequently bedding) ladies – We have Ken to thank for this list, because I spent one Friday driving through Central Jersey with him, and some variation of everything I wrote came out of his mouth over the course of the afternoon. Pure genius!

04) top ten finding fame (an idiot’s guide to making a name for yourself) – This one hits very close to home, because I’ve actually had these thoughts about how I could garner some form of recognition, be it from a lady or from a large body of people.I haven’t stalked or killed anyone, though, and those are the only two I wouldn’t consider ever attempting.

03) top ten things you didn’t expect to happen to you in your life, but they did! – I don’t really remember this one, other than it was ambiguous as to whether or not I was speaking about MY life or the lives of other people. Always with the blurring lines!

02) top ten of GROSS! – If you’ve ever wondered how to make me feel really anxious in a social setting, bring up one of these topics. For optimal effect, make sure I’m full of booze and ate a dinner slathered in heavy cream sauce. Projectile vomit, here I come!

01) top ten why you’re unemployed – It’s timeless, really, especially when I consider the fact that I’m going to be unemployed in about, oh…ten days. I re-read this one this morning and my emotions almost got the best of me. But I’m a man. I don’t let “emotions” enter into any equation. That’s why they’ll only ever almost get the best of me.

np: The Cows – Hitting the Wall