

Warning : Mime Field Ahead

Well, hello. Welcome to nowhere fast. Ew, did I just unconsciously quote a Smashing Pumpkins lyric? I’m so sorry you had to read that. Honestly. I guess it just goes to show–you can’t change the past.

Tonight I’m going to support the wonderful rock band STNNNG, who are headlining a show at Lit. They were looking to solidify an NYC show on their current tour, and hadn’t heard back from the person who books shows at Cake Shop, so I e-mailed their drummer Jeremy and recommended Lit. It seems like they got a really nice slot, so I’m excited to hear them live and drink myself into a stupor.

Other than that, I don’t have much to share. I posted a few more Obscure References home recordings on the Swanfungus website from the previous two practices (titled “Reperepetitiontition” and “Another Night, Another Fight to Stay In Tune”), as well. The two best pieces that were culled from this week’s session are:

Are You A Cling-On? – Dan (drum tobacco), Evan (guitarded/basstard), Jack (acoustical tiling), Ken (percussin’)


I’s Scream, You’s Scream – Dan (bass relief), Evan (guitarkansas), Jack (acoustickler), Ken (drum toucher)