Initially released in 1968 as a privately pressed LP. “Like Peachy, this privately released LP is a clear improvement on the debut (Number One), both in terms of narration and overall artistic…
“You Saw That In Theaters!?”
You guys, last night I saw a horrifying sight. It all started when the latest episode of Survivor ended. I was next door, and since nothing else was on — and we…
(Another) Day At The Stone Brewery
R.D. Burman – Shalimar (Original Soundtrack)
There are so many crazy Indian/Bollywood records out there I could never fathom adding all the information about them into my already-encyclopedic knowledge of vinyl records. Much like obscure international 78s and…
Swan Fungus Beer Snob Update
I’ve taken a vow of sobriety this month. February, as the Swan Fungus Farmers Almanac probably states, was the wettest month on record. I drank an unsettling amount. It began with a…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 252
Hello, friends. I hope your weekends were eventful and fun. Mine was the exact opposite. I caught a cold for the first time in almost a year (see what happens when i…
Ten Great Los Angeles Bars
Over the course of the last month I’ve examined both the ten “douchiest” bars in LA as well as the ten that have fallen furthest downhill since my arrival in this city.…
310 – Nothing To See Here
The first time I heard of 310 was via the Aquarius Records New Arrivals list. This was a few years ago, and I really loved the description of Nothing To See Here.…
Sunday Mix Tape – Number 251
Happy birthday, sister. You never read my website so this message for you will most likely never be seen. Still, that shouldn’t deter me from wishing you well. You’re thirty years old…
The Body – 2008 Tour CD-r
I’ve spent a lot of mental energy this week writing about SXSW, Epic Bar tabs and Game Of Thrones. Please don’t expect me to pen a Friday Top Ten list that is…