Yesterday I shared a brilliant (and sadly unheralded) record by Karuna Khyal. Today you can end your work-week with what is perhaps my most-favorite Japanese rock record of all time, the incredible…
Karuna Khyal – Alomoni 1985
Alternative Press said: “Karuna Khyal are an altogether more psychotic proposition, quite capable of inducing frontal lobe fatigue in those lacking a hardy constitution. Great monolithic slabs of damaged, half speed Beefheartian…
Happy Halloween
I felt good enough to venture outside today. I figured 12 hours without vomiting was as good a sign as any that I’d cleared my biggest hurdle. Stupidly, I woke up and…
On The Los Angeles Halloween Half-Marathon
It seems pointless for me to get worked up about having run a half-marathon yesterday. In fact, running 13.1 miles was actually a step backwards from my marathon training schedule, which instructed…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 283
It’s been a busy day, people. I was up at 6am preparing to run the Los Angeles Halloween Half-Marathon downtown. I’ll write a full recap tomorrow when more details/photos have been posted,…
Various Artists – Wailing Ultimate
Where else are you going to find Dinosaur (Jr.!), Volcano Suns, Squirrel Bait, Big Black, Naked Raygun, Big Dipper and others all in the same place!? …If you answered “Uh…one of Evan’s…
David Krajcik – Did You Ever Wonder Why
It’s always exciting when you unearth an album you’ve never seen or heard of before, then you go home and Google it only to find that it doesn’t exist. In the case…
The Top Ten Italian Progressive Rock Bands
I’m prone to hyperbole. That’s part of what makes this blog so much fun (for some) and also so maddening (for others). Without such exaggerations, not one of my roughly 300 Top…
Area – Live Concerts Box
If you were to ask me for a list of my favorite Italian progressive rock bands, Area (also known as Area – International POPular Group, or AreA) would easily rank among the…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 282
Hey, troopers. I attend my first Halloween party of the season last night. In accordance with my rule of not buying a costume, I simply donned a purple v-neck and a “Hello…