Was it last month or two months ago when I listed the ten best private press records in America? Either way, Heitkotter made the list as an honorable mention, which is to…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 157
Hey Swan Fungus readers! Guess who the newest registered user of this website is… Give up? It’s my mom! Ha! She didn’t even vote on the poll, but she registered to receive…
Todd – With Love…From Me To You
This one is…it’s just awesome. Look at that cover and tell me you wouldn’t empty your wallet to hear what the hell was stored in the grooves of this record. Pure gold,…
DVD Review: Grails – Acid Rain
As one of the most eclectic, trippy bands currently putting out records, Portland, Oregon’s Grails is a perfect candidates for a music DVD. The instrumental band’s jaw-dropping live shows need to be…
It Has Begun: Top Chef And Gail Simmons’ Tits Return To TV Tonight!
It must be Top Chef season, because at one point today 67 of 89 people who visited this website — within one hour — searched Google for some variation of “Gail Simmons…
Swan Fungus Q2C 1174
Hey there, l337 readers! What’s up? NMU? I just got home from work, and am NIFOC thinking about how much ILF/MD. Sorry for all the confusion with the “code words,” but I’ve…
Damon – Song Of A Gypsy
From Hippie DJ Kit: “Damon is the artistic name of David Del Conte, a genius American gypsy musician who is responsible for one the rarest and most sought-after psychedelic album of all…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 156
When there are thirty minutes left in your work day, and the only thought on your mind is whiskey, it’s nice to know sometimes that your manager is having the same thoughts.…
The Top Ten Reasons Why Woodstock Sucked
Don’t even get me started about last night’s softball game. It was dreadful. Well, now that I’ve gotten myself started I suppose I can spend a paragraph writing about it. We lost,…
Softball Recap: Los Nuevos Expos 9 – Bunch Of Guys 10
The worst feeling in the world for a ballplayer is when a team comes from behind to beat you at the last second. I’m no ballplayer — I’m a gawky Jew with…