

Errands, Packing, Wedding…

Last night was relaxing. Sunset at the base with Z and Adam. Came home and did some packing, drank some beers and watched the Mets game. Sometimes (as my friends can definitely attest) I prefer being reclusive to sociable. Especially when I know there’s going to be busy times ahead. And my friends, busy times are ahead…

Awoke this morning to the sounds of, perhaps, birds chirping. I don’t know for certain, because even my own thoughts were drowned out by the gardeners mowing the vacant lot outside my bedroom window. After a brief e-mail check I threw on some clothes and drove over to Best Buy where I picked up batteries (6) for the tape recorder, some cassettes (6), and a cigarette-lighter adapter for my iPod. Total cost: $30. I walked around the corner to the little store with care products to get shampoo and deodorant. I have most of the necessary materials (as well as pharmacon) to get me through the next seven-to-ten days. My last stop was at Dunkin Donuts for two egg and cheese sandwiches and frozen coffee. I stopped by my father’s office to eat said sandwiches and chat for a few minutes. Thank God this isn’t a big trip like last summer, he will not be analyzing my trirbulations on his own website again. Whenever I think about that I make a sound like Sideshow Bob after he steps on a rake.

At home, I played with the dogs outside for a few minutes and grabbed some last minute computer files. Now I have to get dressed for this wedding in Paterson that will last well into the evening. Upon my return I’ll throw everything in a suitcase and toss it all into the trunk of my car. Early to bed and early to rise tomorrow, I hope to be on the road by no later than 10am. I don’t have any motel reservations at the moment, I’m just going to push it as far as I can before I tire. Hopefully I’ll get to the end of Ohio, maybe even into Indiana. If I don’t update tomorrow it’s because the only places with vacancy were without access to the Internets. Which reminds me, I have to fix my camera and make sure it works.