

Sunday Mix Tape 369

IndieGoGo Update:

I’m pretty sure no one who read this post has clicked over to the Player Piano IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign and donated to the cause. We’ve had a somewhat successful first week, raising over 10% of our goal amount in the past five days. That’s all well and good, but we’d like to raise a bit more before people sign offline during the Holiday vacation later this week. Please, I implore you, check out the IndieGoGo page and consider making a donation. A donation is like killing three birds with one stone. First, you’ll be supporting the arts. Second, you’ll help two awesomely talented friends of mine continue to live their dream. Third, you’ll make me feel like a success because I’m working really fucking hard with almost every free minute I have on this project. The aforementioned offer of a bribe still stands. Anyone who donates to the campaign will be owed one night of heavy drinking. I’ll pick up the tab. All you have to do is click over to the page and send some money. That’s easy, right? Who knows, you might even win a customized baby grand piano for your efforts. That’d be pretty cool, right?

But, hey. Don’t take my word for it. Felicia Day tweeted about it. Peter Hollens mentioned it. Alison Haislip plugged the newest video AND the crowdfunding campaign. Those are all people with much larger fanbases than this here website. And you people KNOW me. Some of you have met, and hung out, and befriended, and drank with me. One or two of you have passed out on my couch. No sane Twitter verified celebrity is going to do THAT for their followers. Plus, you know, I give you things like mix tapes, and full-album downloads, and horrible dating stories. And I’ve done so consistently for almost ten years. And I don’t ask anything in return from you.

Until now. Make a donation. Please. Thank you.

RULES for uninitiated noobs: I give birth to a weekly Mix Tape to be deposited on your iPods or Zunes or Kingklangs or whatever the industry is currently pushing on you. Sometimes there will be themes that link all the songs together, other times I’ll just throw songs at a wall (not literally) and see what sticks. Secret theme this week. See if you can figure it out. The goal of this endeavor, as always, is to pique your interest in these artists so you’ll support the artists and buy their albums.


Sunday Mix Tape Number 369

01. Orchestra Of The Upper Atmosphere – Seen From Above Part 1
02. Black To Comm – Hands
03. Moolah – Courage
04. Chrome – Riding You
05. Pipedream – Passing Trains
06. Pierre Henry – Voyage
07. Richard Youngs – Bandits
08. Date Palms – Dusted Down
09. Mono – The Last Rays
10. Secret Pyramid – Escape (Fade Out)