

Chris Isaak – Heart Shaped World

There are exactly two songs in the Chris Isaak songbook that I care about. The first is “Two Hearts,” which if memory serves plays during the closing credits of one of my favorite films of all time True Romance. The second is “Wicked Game.” I don’t quite know why I love that song so much, but I do. I know Chris Isaak is, like, pretty much only adored by overweight housewives. And yet if either of those two songs are ever playing within earshot, I’ll happily sing along joyously with any and all nearby hausfrau pigs. I literally don’t know any other Chris Isaak song. If I do…it would take me hours or days to figure out what that song is called.

I mean, honestly, there isn’t too much else to say about the fact that I found this record for $2.99 recently (December 24th, 2013) and after listening to “Wicked Game” twice I filed it away on my shelf, probably never to be heard again. Until I want to hear “Wicked Game” again. Of course, if I even knew what album “Two Hearts” appears on I would do my best to commit that factoid to memory so that if I ever come across the album I’ll look for it. I know he’s got one called San Francisco Days but I don’t know if that’s got “Two Hearts” on it. I just know if I see a Chris Isaak records in some store’s bins I should flip it over and look at the track listing, because I will gladly pay for it and file it away just for that one song. Which I’m pretty sure would make Chris Isaak the only artist in my record collection with TWO albums I like only because of one song.

Oh, and speaking of this week’s theme (which if you don’t remember is albums I own even though I only like 1 song), thank you reader “Tank Boy” who chimed in on yesterday’s post to explain more about the Monkees:

Have you ever watched the movie? It’s pretty great. It was written and produced by Bob Rafelson and Jack Nicholson and is a pretty great absurdist commentary on the times. The songs make a little more sense in the context of the movie, but i’ll admit it’s not exactly a pop album.

It’s also worth noting that one reason you probably like “Porpoise Song” so much is because it was written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King. The Monkees didn’t write the best material, but they often had terrific material written for them! 🙂

Thanks, Tank Boy!

Now…double or nothing: Can you name a third Chris Isaak song I might like!?

Chris Isaak
Heart Shaped World

(Reprise – 9 25837-1, 1989)

A1. Heart Shaped World
A2. I’m Not Waiting
A3. Don’t Make Me Dream About You
A4. Kings Of The Highway
A5. Wicked Game [MP3]
B1. Blue Spanish Sky
B2. Wrong To Love You
B3. Forever Young
B4. Nothing’s Changed
B5. In The Heat Of The Jungle