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Scenes From The String Theory VIP Cast & Crew Screening

You guys remember String Theory, right? The short film my friend Jon wanted to make last year? There was a Kickstarter? I blogged about it TWICE?

Well, Jon’s Kickstarter reached its goal, he was able to make his movie, and last night it premiered at the Downtown Independence. The short film looked amazing and sounded even better. As I told Jon (I think twice?) last night, I was shocked at how great and vibrant the music sounded. He’d played me some rough mixes a few months ago and the transformation between then and last night was remarkable. Afterwards, Jon (who wrote the music for the film) performed with the film’s three stars, Abraham Benrubi, Paulina Cerilla, and Thien Nguyen, performed the songs from the film.

Abraham Benrubi, Thein Nguyen, Paulina Cerrilla; String Theory

Thien Nguyen; String Theory

Jon Pezza; String Theory

Paulina Cerrilla; String Theory

Hopefully in the near future there will be more opportunities for more people to see String Theory. As those opportunities present themselves (and I’m sure they will), I’ll be sure to spread the word.

Until then, keep an eye on the official website (linked to above), String Theory on Twitter, and String Theory on Facebook. K? Good.

Angels Of Light – Evangeline [MP3]