

Sunday Mix Tape Number 328

Busy weekend. Friday night I went to the Silent Movie Theater for a midnight screening of Abby. If you haven’t heard about that movie, it’s BONKERS. And, apparently, what we saw was one of the only (if not THE only) surviving 16mm print of the film. I’m hoping to get back to the theater to see Last House On Dead End Street, but I’m not going to make it, as next Friday is Grilled Cheese & Beer Night at Andrew’s in Santa Monica. Even crazier is that on the 24th the Egyptian is screening a double-feature of Nekromantik and Schraamm next week, the only two surviving 35mm prints in the world, and director Jorg Buttgereit is going to be on hand for…what, a Q&A or something? Either way, that’d be awesome if the prospect of watching those movies back-to-back wasn’t so…depressing. What’s better than watching a movie that ends with a guy stabbing himself in the guts while he jerks off and ejaculates blood? How about a movie where a guy nails his foreskin to a table.

Ugh. No thanks. There’s gotta be something more uplifting I can do on a Thursday night.

The Todd record continues to sell through various channels and I’ve been happily seeing orders via Discogs, eBay and retail stores across LA (other locales coming soon, I promise). There have been a couple more digital and physical sales through the new Swan Fungus Bandcamp page as well, which is nice to see. If you haven’t already, you should pick up a copy of the record. Support Todd, support this website, and grab a unique (and limited!) “real people” music artifact at the same time.

And now, mix tape:

RULES for uninitiated noobs: I give birth to a weekly Mix Tape to be deposited on your iPods or Zunes or Kingklangs or whatever the industry is currently pushing on you. Sometimes there will be themes that link all the songs together, other times I’ll just throw songs at a wall (not literally) and see what sticks. This week is dedicated to the Vertigo Swirl. All hail the Vertigo Swirl! Dr. Z! Manfred Mann’s Chapter 3! Cressida! Vangelis! Magna Carta! Rameses! The goal of this endeavor, as always, is to pique your interest in these artists so you’ll support the artists and buy their albums.

Sunday Mix Tape – Number 328
All Hail the Vertigo Swirl

01. Manfred Mann’s Chapter Three – Travelling Lady
02. Russian Circles – Fathom
03. Leyland Kirby – Days In The Wilderness
04. Dr. Z – Evil Woman’s Manly Child
05. Teeth of The Sea – All Human Is Error
06. Soft Machine – Spaced Seven
07. Cressida – To Play Your Little Games
08. John Carpenter – Descent Into New York
09. Vangelis – Let It Happen
10. Manuel Gottsching – Despair
11. Super Furry Animals – Cryndod yn Dy Lais
12. Steven Price – In The Blind
13. Ramases – Life Child
14. Blur – Peach
15. Magna Carta – Lord Of The Ages