

Walter E. Hurst – Law, You and…DIVORCE


Hi, I’m Evan. I found this record the other day and it’s a doozy. Doozie? How do you spell that word?

According to the cover of this record, this is “a recorded simulated interview between client and attorney…telling you what you should know about filing for divorce…your rights…your obligations…and your costs.” Also, “this record will save you money…BECAUSE…you will learn the basics of your law case as you listen to an initial interview with $40.00 per hour attorney WALTER E. HURST the man from Law-U involving data, facts and how the law applies to you…from opening fact-gathering to legal fees.”

And on the back cover, we get an invitation to listeners from the desk of the attorney which says, “Through this Recording you will learn about your case as if you were being interviewed by your attorney. The basic facts will be explored and you will listen to the questions and answers and apply them to your own case. You will learn step-by-step procedures that are necessary to prepare your own particular case. And…how much it may cost you.

Here is a practical understanding of what you need to know — an education that could help you — exactly as if you were sitting in my office and I was giving you my time at $40.00 an hour.

By listening to this record, you will be able to save yourself money, and also save much time for your attorney, time he can use to help your case.

This recording is not meant to serve as a substitute for the practical services of an attorney. It is to acquaint you with what you will need to know in order to prepare yourself and your attorney. The recording also familiarizes you with what kind of a case you math ave before you consult an attorney.

All this is important. You should understand that your case requires knowledge, including:

– Layman-level knowledge that the listener should have, because each citizen should know as much as possible to understand his own case, and:

– Expert-level knowledge, because our society is complex — and so is your life!

You are invited to listen to the recording before you consult your own attorney.

Also, there’s a quote from Aldous Huxley (I KNOW, RIGHT!?) that says, “Every man who knows how to read (and listen) has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting.”

There’s also a twenty or thirty page booklet that includes comic drawing of a meeting with one’s lawyer, sample forms you’ll need to familiarize yourself with before filing for divorce, and an order form for more titles from the Law, You And… series. Apparently there’s a record on narcotics, auto accidents, “illegal sex” (HUH!?) and crime. Cool, right? Gotta collect ’em all!

Walter E. Hurst
Law, You and…DIVORCE
(Law-U, 1968)
MediaFire DL Link

01. Who’s Who
02. What And Why
03. Custody, Visitation, Child Support
04. Division Of Property
05. Income, Expenses, Alimony [MP3]
06. Attorney’s Analyses
07. Attorney’s Fees & Costs
08. What Happens Next