[Dead Meadow – “Let It All Pass” MP3] When I awoke, I was alone in the house. I found an envelope outside my bedroom door, with a note thanking me for getting…
Chapter 3: Chicago (Jeff Mueller)
During my freshman year of college, I was constantly strapped for cash. It wasn’t like I was poor—money had been set aside for my first semester that was to be used for…
Chapter 3: Chicago (Tim Midgett)
I was once in a car driving to Princeton Record Exchange with a friend. He reached for a CD and inserted it into his car stereo. As the first song began to…
Chapter 2: Impulse
The sky is blue—but not peaceful blue—more like, potentially threatening blue. You’d know it if you’ve seen it. I’ve crossed the Ohio River into Indiana, and have roughly four and a half…
Chapter 1: Louisville (Part 3)
Following my meeting with Tim Furnish, I race back to the apartment where I’m squatting to find JK McKnight’s number. I call him, and he groggily offers to meet me for drinks…
Chapter 1: Louisville (Crain)
I climb the stairs to the front porch and glance back to my car in the driveway. I press the doorbell slowly, and step back from the door. The porch is covered…
Chapter 1: Louisville (Part 1)
Beyond the Daniel Beard Bridge, Cincinnati disappears. Skyscrapers stretch high in the rearview mirror, and Kentucky’s electric green expanse begins to encroach on the car. It’s a humid day in early July—the…
MS05: Mnortham – A Great And Riverless Ocean
I’ve got a fucking plane to catch so I’m totally wussing out on tonight’s blog entry. One track, 53 minutes of pure drone. By the way, I’m missing Mystery Sea releases numbered…
Sunday Mix Tape Number 225
No better way to spend a Sunday night than grilling cheese dogs and brats with friends on Mt. Washington, drinking someone’s home-brewed chocolate stout. I defy you to cap your weekend in…
The Top Ten Things I’m Looking Forward To At Home
As I mentioned the other day, I’m heading home for 8 days on Monday night. The prospect of traveling back east isn’t quite as exciting as it usually is because I just…