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McDonalds Monopoly, Craft Beer Week, Emeralds Live & More!

  • McDonald’s Monopoly game started this week, and my friend and I couldn’t be more excited. Within the first twenty-four hours of the promotion, we’d made half a dozen trips to our local stand. So far we’ve won a few orders of french fries, and Nate won a McFlurry. We’re smart Monopoly players. We know what we need to win, and we know that entering game codes online is way more important than trying to match like-properties. We’re gonna win so much free food.
  • Craft Beer Week has begun! I rang in the celebration last night with a pint of Lucky Devils in Hollywood. I also had a diablo burger (with grass fed beef) and fries. I still think Lucky Devil’s might serve the best fries in LA, but the diablo burger isn’t one of the best in the city. I don’t like the bun-to-meat ratio. The spiciness is definitely there and I love bacon and avocado, but the competition for best burger in this city is really, really tough. I will say I liked the tall-grass beef better than the kobe beef I had last time I went to Lucky Devils. In other craft beer news, the industry has managed to survive and flourish in spite of the economic downturn. In fact, sales of craft beers were up 9% during the first half of 2010, while total national beer sales declined by almost 3%. Maybe more people are realizing that there are beers beyond the swill they serve at most bars. Good job, America! Welcome to the club. [story]

  • Also last night, I went to see Emeralds perform at the Music Box in Hollywood. I didn’t stay for either of the other acts on the bill, but I got my money’s worth from Emeralds. They went on at 9pm and launched into “Genetic.” They did not cease playing for 45 glorious minutes. It took someone from the next band walking out in front of the stage and waving at the trio to remind them that they needed to draw their jam to a close. The highlight for me was the guitar playing of Mark McGuire. The second half of the song, the build-up with the repeated D, G, C riff and the guitar solo that followed, was for me the highlight of their set. Some fans might disagree with me, but I really liked what Steve Hauschildt was doing, perhaps more so than the frantic, freak-out synth of John Elliott. I was digging the textures and drones he built. I wanted their set to continue but I guess I’ll have to wait for them to tour on their own, not as a supporting act. I could trip out on that shit for hours. Emeralds. So good.

Emeralds – Genetic