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  • Serena Maneesh @ The Troubadour; West Hollywood, CA

Serena Maneesh @ The Troubadour; West Hollywood, CA

The last time I saw Serena Maneesh was in July of 2006. Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell was going on that took these guys (and gal!) so long to get back to the states for a proper tour?

I wasn’t sure what to expect from the band last night. I’ve listened to their new album once, and to be perfectly honest it didn’t grab me the same way their first one did. I was hoping that hearing those songs live would change my mind.

The band has shrunk since last I saw them. No more viola or cello. No more chicks on synths. The guitarist who broke his leg is gone, too. All that remains is the drummer, the second guitarist, Emil, Hilma, and a new guy who plays synths. Oh, and fucking Brad Laner (Medicine) was there last night adding some amazing third guitar goodness to a couple songs. I never got to see Medicine but Shot Forth Self Living is the American equivalent of Loveless, maybe even better.

Anyway, from the moment the band began playing to their thunderous, feedback-drenched soundstorm of a finale, the sparse audience at the Troubadour was treated to wall-of-noise psychedelic goodness. I was more than impressed. I spoke for a few minutes to Oystein, the 2nd guitarist. He mentioned his band Le Corbeau as taking up a lot of his time back in Norway. We talked for about ten minutes, I don’t remember about what because I was drunk. I turned around and saw Brad Laner standing nearby talking to a friend, so I made sure to get his attention and genuflect for a few minutes. He was super nice. Before leaving I stalked Emil at the bar and asked if he remembered me from all the shows I saw in the New York area. He had a slight look of recognition so I reminded him about some of our conversations and he excitedly admitting to remembering. He joked about how it’s been a while. We only chatted for a few minutes because I realized quickly that I had cut him off from conversation with someone else. Oh well, I was drunk.

Selina’s Melodie Fountain
Don’t Come Down Here
Chorale Lick
Ayisha Abyss
Blow Yr Brains in the Mourning Rain

After the show I met Dave and Erin down the road at Barney’s. An hour or so later, the band strolled in. While not drinking in each other’s company, we technically closed the bar down together. Good times. Photographs!

Serena Maneesh – Blow Yr Brains In The Morning Rain