

Odd-y-ssey: Day 10 (The Last Day)

My trip back east ended not with a bang, but a whimper. I began my day with a 3-mile run, then fixed myself a rather large breakfast (two-egg omelet with the yummy habanero Vermont cheddar, a half a plain bagel and a whole wheat bagel). I was slow to shower and dress myself, but once I completed that most simple of life tasks, I was able to actually start…doing stuff. I packed up a box of records and drove to the FedEx shipping center closest to my mom’s house. I shipped about $2,000 worth of vinyl (38.8 pounds!) to myself, book-ended by some cheap crap to take the brunt of any punishment the FedEx people inflict upon my care package. You’d better believe that from the moment I returned home until the moment my sweet, precious babies arrive at my apartment I will be constantly monitoring the tracking information FedEx provides.

There’s a gap of a few hours I don’t feel like delving into, but eventually I had a good dinner and began preparations for my flight back to Los Angeles. I printed my ticket, gathered some of my belongings, and tried to think of some potential Halloween costumes for Nicci and I. I thought I’ve come up with some good ones, but she’s nixed pretty much all of them. I guess I’m not nearly as inventive as my Top Ten lists would indicate. I just feel bad for the thousands of people who have clicked onto this website this week in search of cool Halloween costume ideas, because apparently I know nothing.

Ken and Katie stopped by to say goodbye. They stuck around long enough to watch An American Crime, which features a young version of my lovely girlfriend as an extra. We played a fun game of “spot Nicci in the background,” which helped lighten the mood a bit. That movie is fucking depressing. Think Virgin Suicides, but with more little girl torture and less promiscuity. Katie gifted me an amazing zoom lens for my camera, which I cannot wait to try out once I’m back in California. I owe her lots.

So, my trip has pretty much come to an end. It had its ups and downs, and after ten days I think I’m ready to leave. At the start of this adventure I relished the opportunity to have a break from work (and life in California in general), and I think my stay here has lasted just long enough for me to be looking forward to getting back and falling into the routine again. I miss softball and the LOST re-watch, driving my own car, and Wednesday nights out on the town. I’ll be reinvigorated and ready to go once next week begins.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my little travel journal. I tried my best to give you a glimpse into my life when I’m in a different environment, and though the pictures kind of sucked and some days were much more boring than others, maybe you liked reading about my exploits. I’ll be back on Monday with a normal blog update. Probably no update tomorrow, and then a mix tape on Sunday. Until then, have a good time tomorrow night if you’re going out with your kids or going to a party. Be safe, I’ll see you on the other coast.