

More Notes On WFMU And Swan Fungus

By now you might have already heard (see: Facebook, Twitter, Jack’s comment on yesterday’s blog post), but WFMU DJ Scott Williams took the time to record a very silly reading of the entry I wrote yesterday and played it quite a few times during his radio show today. If you’re a WFMU listener and you were tuned in between the hours of 12:00pm – 3:00pm EST today, you most-likely heard a reading of my words over the radio. If you want to hear the entire three-hour broadcast, you can listen here (Real Audio). If you just want to hear the blog entry, you can click here (Real Audio). If the weird gerbil voice doesn’t make sense, it has been explained to me as an extension of the preceding song Mr. Williams played, which features a child reciting lines over an eerie piano piece. I emailed the DJ to ask if he’d recorded an MP3 version to play on the air, and thanked him for thoroughly embarrassing me. Hearing my words spoken in such a weird tone made me wonder if my writing always sounds campy. He assured me that he was very thankful, as I did all the “pitching” so that he didn’t have to. That made me feel better. Here’s the MP3 he e-mailed me, sans music. Lastly, I received an e-mail from Brian Turner thanking me for spreading the word on the marathon and for plugging his show/live sessions. Pretty much from the moment I awoke this morning (Jack called me just as I was waking up to clue me in about what was being heard on the radio) it has all been very lovey-dovey today.

So, I guess now is as good a time as any to announce that I’m going to be contributing some blog posts to the official WFMU blog, entitled Beware Of The Blog. I’ve been e-mailing back and forth with station manager Ken and blog purveyor Otis for several months now, and I think I’m finally going to start posting entries very soon. In fact, I wrote my first one today, and after a few more tweaks it should be ready for publication. I don’t have any official word on what my schedule will be, but I’ve asked to post every other Thursday. Whatever it turns out to be, I will make sure to let you know in advance when I’ll be writing, and I’ll definitely point you all to each entry I write once they have been published.

I told you 2009 was going to be a year of big changes here at Swan Fungus. You all laughed at me. You laughed and you hurled feces at me until I cried and projectile vomited. But baby, look at me now. Suddenly you’re no longer the imposing peanut gallery mocking my every typo. Now I’m the big-dicked bully on the playground, pegging you in the face with a kickball and talking about your mama in no uncertain terms, while you cry boogers all over the place like a helpless retard. Recess as you know it is over. And by “recess” I mean “reading my blog”.

I don’t mean my blog is over. I just mean…ah forget it. I can’t keep up with my own confusing metaphors.

On another note, my entire body is hating me right now because of yesterday’s impromptu workout. I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to go to the gym with Nicci. My lazy bones and muscles were in no way ready for the grueling assault that I put them through. Right now my abdomen feels like it’s about to explode, and my legs feel like rusty door hinges, if in fact rusty door hinges can feel pain and desire to lay in bed all day. If I ever do another sit-up again, it will be not on a piece of exercise equipment, but on a king-size mattress so that I might call on my servant to fetch me some more beer, and nachos. Never forget the nachos.