

In Which I Accept A (Very Gay) Role In A Short Film

It took me just a shade under seven hours, but by five o’clock this morning I finally managed to fix the layout issues I was having with this page. If you happened to click onto the page between the hours of 11pm and 5am, you probably saw some really nutty issues in regards to the three column wrappers. I persevered, just as the sun was beginning to rise, and now I can look at the page without feeling a dull ache in my guts. If you notice anything isn’t working properly, please don’t hesitate to let me know. No, I won’t laugh if you leave a comment saying “the writer is broken” or many any allusions to my poor writing skills.

So, uh…I haven’t mentioned this before…it’s kind of embarrassing…um, but, I recently took a turn acting in a friend’s short film. I was cast as the “gay doggie wedding videographer”. See, what happened was…my friend Jesse (a very talented girl, look at her website!) asked me if I would be in her movie. Looking back fondly upon my glory days as an actor (see: Deadly Secrets), I said yes. Without thinking things through. Then, when the time came for me to shoot my scene, I learned that my job was to make an overly-flaming homosexual cameo. The actual shooting of my scene took a lot of effort because I kept forgetting my one line. Also, people kept laughing at me. What’s worse, someone mentioned before shooting that I looked very comfortable in the role, and I couldn’t shake that thought from my head. But…I’m a consumate professional, so I dealt with it. Sometimes, you just have to take the bull by the horns. The very gay horns.

Each time I’ve watched my appearance, I’ve felt dead inside. It’s soul crushing to watch myself on film, just like it’s soul crushing to see photographs of myself, just like it’s soul crushing to look at myself in the mirror or even so much as think about myself. Luckily, some of you people like me, so maybe you’ll appreciate my cameo. If you would like to watch me in the film, entitled It’s Magic, click here. Quicktime required. To see Jesse’s other cinematic masterpieces, click here.

If you simply cannot get enough of me, here are some other fun videos you can watch that might or might not include shots of the ugliest blogger in the history of blogging:

The Best Podcast You Have: “Vibrofile”

The Best Podcast You Have: “Chit”