In honor of last night’s sojourn into the dark heart of Scientology, I present you with this wonderfully jazzy, soul-funk record. It was pressed privately and released by L. Ron Hubbard in 1974. The band was actually formed in an attempt to gather recruits with the proposition of free Scientology rock concerts around the world. When you actually listen to the songs, you’ll understand why this is such a foolish and hysterical proposition. The album was recorded on the Apollo ship, which is where Scientologists lived in the early ’70s because they were being banned and exiled from countries across the world. I downloaded this album a long time ago, so I don’t remember who originally posted Power Of Source on their blog, but they were nice enough to include text files and book excerpts that give more information about the Apollo Stars and more wacky Scientology tales! If you want those, make sure you use the MediaFire download link below, because I’m not going to post them as individual downloadable files.
Apollo Stars
Power Of Source
MediaFire Download Link
01. The Power Of Source
02. Summertime
03. We’re Moving In
04. Johnny Comes Marching Home
05. My Dear Portugal (Meu Querido Portugal)