This was the very first record I purchased after moving to Los Angeles. And where did I buy it? From Rockaway Records. Well, this is Mr. Tangerine Dream/Ash Ra Tempel himself, Klaus Schulze’s debut album. It was released in 1972, and features Klaus on organ and a recording of an orchestra that is so over-filted it’s pretty much unrecognizable as an orchestra. In other words, it’s God damned motherfucking amazing, and pretty much required listening if you want to be friends with me.
Klaus Schulze
MediaFire Download Link
Satz Ebene
Satz Gewitter
Satz Exil Sils Maria

Hamel is a German composer, and he’s still alive, the bastard! I don’t know why I thought he was dead, he’s a year younger than my mother…I guess I just figured all the crazy psychotropic drugs he [probably] ingested would have killed him at a young age, perhaps by some weird serendipitous accident, where, like, he accidentally ate a cat that had AIDS. Oh, right! His music! He used to attend Karlheinz Stockhausen’s workshops and spent many periods in Asia studying Indian classical music. Terry Riley once said of Hamel, “[His] heart did not seem to be aligned with the post Webern traditions that had emerged so prevalently in Germany. His sensibilities were attracted more to American minimalism and Indian music and to some degree Rock and Jazz. In this sense he stands apart from the field of modern music of Germany. He has recognized the vast importance of improvisation and being ‘in the moment’ in music performance…” In other words, he’s got the Terry Riley seal of approval, he fucking workshopped with Stockhausen, and he loved Asian traditions. This album is like one long trance meditation mind-fuck. You’ll love it. Great vinyl to digital transfer, too!
Peter Michael Hamel
Voice Of Silence
MediaFire Download Link
Panta Tantra
The Voice Of Silence