“Meet Larry, he’s a 65 year old man. He lives in the hospital, where he has been most of his life. His mind has been destroyed, basically. He cannot eat on his own, he can barely speak, and when he does, it rarely ever makes sense. He usually sits in his room all day with a blank stare on his old face. It’s as if he’s not even alive anymore. So what caused Larry to become this way? Did he get hit in the head by an anvil? Did he watch a Steven Seagal movie and enjoy it? No, in 1974 he listened to too much Brainticket. The excessive amounts of intoxicating psychedelia obliterated his mind. So remember: Whenever listening to Brainticket, listen in moderation, unless you want to become like our friend Larry. Celestial Ocean is basically a trip. It’s based on Egyptian mythology; the Book of the Dead. Presumably, the band is re-enacting a trip some Egyptian guy would take after dying; but with more sound effects and weird lyrical content then what’s historically accurate (wait, is this still mythology?) The album flows as one song, sometimes not even changing for a couple of songs, sometimes changing completely by the second half of one song. At some points the listener will probably wonder how the hell a certain piece of music fit in…” – Sputnik Music. Thirty years later, The Dave Matthews Band recorded a song called “The Space Between” that has completely destroyed my ability to enjoy the Brainticket song of same name.
Celestial Ocean
MediaFire Download Link
01. Egyptian Kings
02. Jardins
03. Rainbow
04. Era Of Technology
05. To Another Universe
06. The Space Between
07. Cosmic Wind
08. Visions

“Brainticket’s second LP is a much mellower affair than their first one, which sounded like a bad trip. Brainticket were sort of a commune band, built around Jöel Vandroogenbroeck (phew!), a swiss multi-organist and composer of stellar tunes. The line-up was different in every album they made, presumably due to Vandroogenbroeck’s attempt to create different soundscapes. Psychonaut is their first (and more “accessible” album), showcasing 6 tracks. It contains elements of kraut rock, psychedelia, acoustic/folk, experimental, ethnic, progressive rock (but not that you expect), minimal, maximal and anything else you can probably think of (for the time made, of course). Some tracks are celestial psychedelic built-ups (“Radagacuca”, “Coc’o Mary”), others are atmospheric and minimalistic (“One Morning”) and others surpass the dreamy-folk frontiers (“Feel The Wind Blow”). “Watching You” is a track that could have easily been written by Portishead, if, of course, were alive at the time!” – Nadia, My Generation.
MediaFire Download Link
01. Radagacuca
02. One Morning
03. Watching You
04. Like A Place In The Sun
05. Feel The Wind Blow
06. Coc’o Mary