

I Suggest The Perfect Beer For You

There should be a beer label on this blog, but too many labels is a bad thing. So this is [not] a rant. I have no idea how else to label it. It’s not news, it’s not daily life, it’s…beer. Fuck!

Finally, a new website concept that I can get behind: Beer Suggest contains over 4,000 reviews (not as many as RateBeer, but whatever) and over 1100 breweries to help you find the perfect beer for any occasion. According to the website it is a “wiki/social community for beer loves.” I don’t know what “wiki” means, because apparently I’ve been dozing off while the online community creates an entirely new modern lexicon, but it sounds pretty interesting!

On second thought, this website is absolutely horrible. Their “most tasted beer” is Guinness Draught — “tasted by 36 users”! The next few beers on the list are Blue Moon, Sam Adams, Stella, Budweiser and Coors Light. In other words, the site is run by a group of state-school-attending, douchebag fratboys. I’m kind of bummed out Natty Ice isn’t the highest rated beer on the site, because well…you know how much those date-raping fraboys love their Natty Ice! I foresee this website lasting maybe another month before the sheer terribleness of the site’s suggestions and numerous collar-popping members forces its closure. If you want good advice about beer, I suggest Beer Advocate and the aforementioned RateBeer. I signed up for my RateBeer account eighteen months ago, and have since compiled over 150 reviews. And that’s not counting beers I consumed before the sign-up date!

So really, what I’m getting at is, if you want suggestions for finding the perfect beer for any occasion, why don’t you just leave a comment or e-mail me a challenge to find the perfect beer for you and I will. All you have to do is tell me where you’re going, who you’ll be with, and what you plan on eating, and I will provide you the perfect beer. If you simply want to tell me where you live and who you’re going out with, I’ll even suggest a brewery. God knows I’ve gotten drunk in enough cities across the country to provide you with a solid option. Anyone who drops the gauntlet and challenges me will be entered into a contest to win Transfovista, a long-form video documenting the history of Japanese post-rock/hardcore band Envy, which has graciously been provided by the wonderful folks at Temporary Residence Limited.