

April Fools!

Hi kids, it’s Evan again. I hope you all enjoyed my little APRIL FOOLS joke this morning. This website is not dead. I promise you. This morning while I was in the shower I hatched what I believed was a brilliant plan to fake the demise of my blog. I tried to make it sounds serious, but I was worried it would come off as obviously phony. I even called two lawyers (my father and Ian) to ask for legal jargon I could pepper my post with in the hopes that it’d appear legitimate. I even went so far as to e-mail the operations manager of the A2IM to say I referenced him in passing and to warn him that he might receive an e-mail related to my hoax. I never received a reply from him, so I’m guessing he probably just deleted it.

At least six of you left comments, five of which I fooled. I’m not going to say “ha ha” because your responses were all heartfelt and I’m really happy that people out there actually enjoy this page. But I will say that if you make the same mistake next year I will laugh in your face.

Don’t feel too bad. You didn’t even get it that bad. You could have been Nicci’s roommate Tom, who definitely got pranked well last night. The trio of Nate, Nicci and myself decided to spend our Monday night thinking of ways to get under Tom’s skin. We started by putting Vaseline on his doorknobs. He was not amused. Second, we replaced his toothpaste with a combination of ranch dressing and mayonnaise. He was not amused. Last — and certainly not least — we covered his bedroom with 400 Post-It notes. He was definitely amused. Every possible item in his room appeared to be covered, from tiny cobwebs on the ceiling to individual shirts folded on his bed. The notes were sometimes obvious, like “Wall” or “DVD” (yes, almost every DVD got a post-it note, look at the bookcase), but oftentimes they even included directions for how to use said item. The doors and doorknobs offered advice. Electrical sockets warned against sticking metal objects in the holes. Every handle on every dresser drawer was labeled. More directions reminded Tom to do keep all receipts in order to file his taxes. The shirts, pants and jackets in his closet were labeled. His headboard, and even the mirror on the closet was labeled with a note describing how to use it. Window shades were labeled.Storage boxes. Instrument cases and cleaning products. His fedora directed him to “place hat upon head,” and “look gay”. There was even a Post-It pointing out a Post-It. The pièce de résistance was a large piece of poster board upon which Nicci, Nate and I drew dicks and flowers. See for yourself. It was truly a memorable prank. Of course, we left a love note and several “April Fools” notes.

All of the above tunes are available on a really great compilation from Smithsonian Folkways called If You Ain’t Got the Do-Re-Mi, which is available from