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If I Wait Long Enough, Someone Else Will Take My Idea (I Stole From Someone Else)!

You see! I told you there was still a market for books or DVDs which express the joys of mocking cinema. Ever since MST3K went off the air in 1999 I have been devastated by the lack of available sources for listening to people joke about movies. That’s why I wanted to turn “Evan’s Terrible Movie Vault” (a staple on my long-dead Livejournal) into a book. It’s also why I wanted to use audio recordings of friends and I watching films for podcasts — so everyone could hear us screaming over one another to “pass the fucking Makers”, or to hear Jack say, “If I was making this movie, I would have…”. It’s too funny not to share with people. I’m thinking specifically about watching Descent and trying to figure out how desperate you’d have to be to have sex with a bat if you were trapped in a cave with no sign of an exit. That one is almost as good as Jack complaining about the film score for “The DaVinci Code,” and stating that he would have started the movie in the middle, “Just to fuck with people.”

…Which is exactly why I am so excited about The Film Crew, which finds Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett from MST3K together again making fun of bad movies. They’re going to be releasing a series of new DVDs that lend special commentary tracks to movies don’t already have one. It’s absolutely genius, I tell you. I’m just sorry they beat me to this idea. The films that will be released this month by Shout! Factory include Giant of Marathon, Hollywood After Dark, Killers From Space, and The Wild Women of Wongo.

Rejoice, nerds!