

…It’s What We In The Biz Call "Filler"

Here’s a funny article from Forbes/CNN that shows the five biggest mistakes recent college graduates make when attempting to enter the job market [story]. If you’re wondering how I fared when comparing myself to this list, the answer would be “meh.” I’m sure if a potential employer Googled my name they would find this website, where I continue to espouse hatred in all its forms. There’s a great deal of wrath and scorn in this archives. Also, my voice-mail greetings are horrendous. They always have been, ever since I figured out how to change it. There was the Kindergarten Cop sound collage, the simple “Greetings!” and now a fake-out “Hello?” followed by moments of silence and then awkward conversational questions that dupe callers into thinking I’ve actually answered the phone. Although I’m sure my job search would be aided by a perfect score on this test, I guess three out of five is still technically a passing grade.

In other news…A few months ago I was asked to contribute picks to a website that has been trying to start an awards show for independent musicians. Unfortunately, not a single album or artist I chose in the various categories has advanced to the final round. This disappoints me, because I don’t like having my name attached to something so grossly mainstream. On the plus side, I was allowed to hand-pick a Playlist that is available for purchase/download from E-Music. Although a lot of the song options I wanted to choose were unavailable, I think I made an interesting list. You should all sign up for E-Music and download the songs I’ve selected, because I’ll get $6. Hey, at least I’m being honest with you. Here’s the link for my personalized list: Swan Fungus E-Music Playlist. Even if you’re not going to sign-up or download anything, take a moment to check out the awesome description of this website. And if you feel like voting for which shitty band is going to win the award for shittiest band of the year, by all means, vote away!