

It’s Been A Long Week And I Want To Sleep

Hello travelers. I’m currently scribing from my brand-spankin’ new temporary residence in California. My room right now is a sight to behold. There’s nothing really in it. And I haven’t really unpacked everything from my car yet. So, basically, I’ve created a perfect palindromic cross-country voyage. I had to delay the start of the trip by a day because of my inability to gather together my belongings, and now I’m delaying the arrival due to my inability to un-gather my belongings.

Today’s drive was long, and since I promised my roommate I’d be here by a specific time, there were no opportunities to see any roadside attractions or discover hidden gems between Tucson and Los Angeles. It’s a real shame, too, because I drove past a state penitentiary that looked pretty cool and inviting. It was mostly desert. The dust devils in western Arizona and near Joshua Tree appeared much more intense than those in eastern Arizona and New Mexico. There was actually dust accumulation on the road as opposed to distant funnels.

Arizona: one, two, three, four, five, six
California: one, two, three, four, five

As I type the word “funnel” I’m reminded that I should be thankful I was not in Oklahoma during the tornadoes that hit this evening. I drove through Sweetwater just three days ago while I was on my way to Amarillo. I don’t know if anyone in that area reads this site, but if so, I hope you’re okay.

That’s about all I have to say for right now. I’m pretty exhausted but I’m going to go out for a bit anyway. I’m not quite sure why, I’ll probably end up falling asleep and making an ass of myself.

Until tomorrow…