

Goodbye Podcast, Hello…Future?

It is with a heavy heart that I am required to inform you that the audio-stimulation series known as The Best Podcast You Have has reached its end. With this final episode – fittingly titled The Night We Called It A Day – the book is sealed on this endeavor. I, for one, thought it was really exciting to be a small part of the creative team behind the podcast, and will certainly miss the process of culling sounds from the outside world and waiting to hear how Jack would manipulate them. I think towards the end we were actually starting to hit our stride. The second half of this series was a whole lot of fun to participate in.

Enough yammering, here’s the final episode (number nine) of The Best Podcast You Have: Circulations Amethysts.

The Night We Called It A Day (9:00:15)

In other site related news, I’m working on a real, legitimate piece of journalism that will hopefully be ready for publication later this week. I’m not going to give you the details, but interviews are being conducted and a story arc is being finalized. It’s definitely going to rival some of the better pieces that I’ve managed to formulate between the fits of malaise, sloth, and fear that normally prevent me from actually attempting to write something serious in nature. Also, I enjoy complaining far too much to allow myself the necessary time to commit to a creative idea.

Also, perhaps exciting Obscure References news in the coming days/weeks. I have to spend some time making phone calls and Jack has to finish a group-related project before we can say anything further. Nothing will ever be the same again.

Tomorrow after I finish my work for the day, I’m going to convert and share the eleven field recordings I made during my cross-country drive last week. So if you like hearing natural sounds, be sure to check back tomorrow. Until then, you have to suffer through actual music. I’m so, so sorry.