

Did You Finish Your Dinner?

I have a ton of errands to perform today, so today’s complaint will be quick. Not as quick, as say, my passing interest in the brand new Vice Online Video Channel…but close.

So, VICE TV…I find myself asking, how many more times am I supposed to force myself to laugh at David Cross desperately panning for a few chuckles from his hipster brethren? Ever since I read that cringeworthy Chunklet interview where he blathers on about how depressed his is, I can’t enjoy his comedy. It’s like finding out the really hot girl who sits next to you in math class happens to regularly shit her pants.

No, seriously, I’m sure VICE TV will be a huge hit with the eleven people who haven’t grown tired of the magazine’s smugness and still slave over finding the new issue at whatever current NYC scenester hotspot keeps a newsstand in the doorway. I’m sure it’ll all be videos of interns puking while trying to add a bloody tampon to the gross jar, Jim Goad reporting from a White Power rally, or paying a homeless man to snort coke cut with asbestos. Ooh…subversive.


After a posh dinner at a local dining establishment last evening, speech was recorded for the next podcast installment. I’m sure Jack will find some great ways to manipulate the audio, which included conversation between a barely-conscious Ken, Jack and I, conversation with a young woman in China, and conversation with a man in Tokyo. The language barrier presented a few hilarious moments which I’m sure will be exploited in typical vaudevillian fashion. Look for it to be compiled and available sometime next year. Juuuust kidding. Maybe some music recording will accompany said sounds, if we can get the Obscure References guys in a room with instruments and microphones ever again. Yes, I just referred to myself in the third-person. I’m sorry.