

Squares, Squiggles, Circles

I’ve had an adventurous day, so this is going to be a very light update. I’m tired. I woke up and went through my early morning workout routine. Grinding myself into the ground the morning of an impending eight hour work day was not a good idea. Then I went to deposit a paycheck and fill the car with gas. As I sat waiting at the Delta on Route-10, I was informed by an upstanding citizen that my front tire was flat. I meant to check that out when I got back from Vermont a few weeks ago (when it first went flat), but it must have slipped my mind. Whoops.

I put enough air in the tire to get me down the street to the tire place, and then coughed up eighty bucks for a replacement. Despite some funny conversation with the employees at the tire place, the unforeseen circumstance made me a few minutes late for work. At least I didn’t have a whole checklist of chores waiting for me that had to be done while “the boss” is out-of-town. Oh wait, yes I did. After an hour of looking-up and faxing arbitrary statistics and payroll information to an accountant somewhere, I was able to sit down and relax for the first time all day. To this point, the clientele has been pretty much non-existent.

Lucky for me, this website posted the old Tenacious D sketches to help me pass the time. I’ve gone through all the Futurama and Simpsons archives, so I’m now talking a walk down memory lane with ‘The D’ – if you’re lucky, maybe I’ll dig through the pile of useless electronics in my bedroom and scan in those old pictures of me, JB and KG from the UVM days.