

Ladies and Gentlemen…Thunderparty!

Another long night. I met Z, Ken and Mike for coffee and then we decided to head back to my place to play some music. It didn’t sound very pretty but we laughed through about forty-five minutes of noise, two bottles of red wine, and a dozen Hostess donuts. When everyone left I finished off a 22 oz. Imperial Stout and before I knew it, I was thoroughly trashed. I got to sleep at about 3:30 this morning, still under the influence. I slept hard (or so I thought) for about an hour, before I was awoken by grueling stomach pains and one of the most intense thunderstorms I’ve ever seen in suburban New Jersey. It was really beautiful. The whole sky lit up white, and thunder followed immediately after. The sight and the sound came right on top of each other. I wouldn’t be surprised if a transformer or high tension wire in the neighborhood was struck. It sounded like a series of explosions. The storm moved rather quickly. Within fifteen minutes the thunder was rumbling softly in the distance.

I, on the other hand, was feeling kind of puke-ish. I sat in bed reading for an hour, watching the sky lighten quickly as the minutes rolled by after 5am. I eventually downed a bottle of water and went back to sleep for a few hours. Today has been uneventful. Tonight too will be uneventful.

“The Best Podcast You Have” has reached episode seven, which is now available for download. It’s gotten heavier on music in recent weeks and less interested in weird sound clips and trippy sound manipulations. I haven’t listened to the final version of this week’s episode yet, but last I heard there was a pretty long musical interlude that was recorded in Jersey City with myself on bass, so if you’re an [redacted] archivist you might want to take a listen. Make sure you sign up as a subscriber. To do so, check out Jack’s blog or his Myspace for details.