

An Update On My Book And A New Podcast Download

I spent the morning working on the short mini-chapters of my book. Some of them are 5-10 pages long, others barely ten lines. I’m pooling together transcribed audio from the tape recorder I kept in the car with me every mile that I drove (not recording the whole time, there would be a lot of burping and singing off-key were that the case), handwritten notes on hotel scrawl pads, composition notebook entries, rich text format free-writes and nightly re-caps from different cities. I’m supposed to be receiving more work from that textbook company tomorrow that will limit my ability to get more writing done over the weekend, but I like the way these little creative pieces have altered the layout of the book. Instead of being assaulted by long chapter after long chapter, there are breezy little interludes strewn about to separate the clunky parts. I still need to transcribe the Steve Albini interview and convert the Jason Molina interview into prose. There’s work to be done, yet! I anticipate being done within the next two months though. That’s a very good sign.

Despite a purported decrease in listenership, Jack continues to nose the proverbial grindstone, coming up with new an innovative podcast ideas. Episode six is now available for download. This week’s episode is like a “coming out party” for Z (and we all know Z was going to come out eventually–ZING). He’s all over this podcast. None of the musical interludes feature me this week, but you should still listen and make sure you sign up as a subscriber. To subscribe, check out his blog or his myspace profile for details.