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Evan’s So Fat He Hit The Road And Broke It (Day 5 part 2)

It’s now well beyond the midnight hour. My last contact with Electrical Audio came at about 2am, when I was informed by “weekend John” that Mr. Albini’s plane had been delayed from Los Angeles and he was expected to be arriving at the studio within the next hour. John said he would stick around until Steve showed up and he would remind him to give me a call to at least let me know one way or the other what’s going to happen tonight.

I suppose I can’t be disappointed if this doesn’t work out, because the circumstances that arose were completely out of my control. There’s no sense in being upset when I have no hand in what ultimately comes to pass. It would be a completely different story if–for instance–I decided to race over to the studio, blew through a red light and plowed into a parked cop car. In that scenario [Steve and] I would have every right to be downright-fucking-livid, but I can’t control air traffic or weather patterns (not yet anyway…) so what right do I have to be mad?

Alas, I’m going to wait up another hour or so in the hopes that my phone will light up and vibrate before I turn in for the night.