


One week from yesterday, I believe, marks the one year anniversary of my starting this blog. In that time, I’ve graduated from school, driven around the country, written half a book, and my readership has increased from 8 people per day (five of which were Ilya) to 250 a day (ten of which are Ilya). I’d say that’s pretty alright for someone who basically only writes about himself and once a week posts a bunch of MP3’s for anyone who may be out there browsing the Interwebs. Nevertheless, next weekend I’m planning a nice party for myself with a cupcake (one candle) and some surprises for you, my loyal readers. Also, Friday will be the last entry with the “fifty-cent word Title” theme.

Last night Ilya came over and played some drums while we set up a bass loop for me to play guitar over – it was recorded but I probably won’t have any clips available for a few days. Some of it sounded pretty interesting, I tried to restrain myself from going crazy with the effects pedals, so when they were utilized it sounded much better. Nat came over and we drank a good deal and listened back to some older DAT tapes while talking about Nat’s job and related people/things. Everyone was pretty drunk by about 1:30am so we raided the kitchen and put on Kill Bill 2 or Mr. Show. Ilya passed out on the couch and I kicked the drunk bastard out an hour later.

Today I woke up, grabbed Melissa and drove into Brooklyn for the 7th annual Split Thy Skull Barleywine Festival. Mug’s Ale House on Bedford (in the heart of Hipsterville- I mean, Williamsburg) had about 15 specialty beers on tap to mark the occasion. It was $3.50 for a 5 or 6 ounce glass of whatever you wanted to drink. Luckily, water was free. Melissa and I tagged up and split our drinks, which enabled us to drink 2 glasses of Dogfish Head Fort, and a glass each of Russian River Pliny The Elder, Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barley Wine 2002, Stone Double Bastard Ale, Sixpoint Bolshoi! Imperial Stout, Thomas Hooker Old Marley Bourbon Aged Barley Wine 2005, Pizza Port Hop 15 and Southern Tier Jav-ah Imperial Stout. I got pretty ripped, embarrassingly enough. I blame it on the Fort (18% ABV) and the Jav-ah Stout (14% ABV). Mug’s also makes excellent hot wings, if you’re into that sort of thing…

Then to sober up, I went record shopping and blew another $100. I’m done buying crap for a long time, now. I have to start saving for when I move (which will happen soon. Details pending). On the plus side, I found Wire 154 for eight bucks, Mogwai’s Come On Die Young and two un-opened Sonic Youth German imports (Sister and Evol). It was like a beautiful little conclusion to this spending spree that has lasted for the past three months.