

Epitome of Nothingness

I’ve had quite the busy day. I had to wake up and drive my mother to the airport before coming into work. Despite the temperature hovering around seventy degrees for the majority of the day, I’ve been inside sitting behind a cash register for the past few hours. Business has been more than steady, and during lulls between customers I have been transcribing my Bill Swan interview for the Bay Area chapter (that’s Chapter three if you’re keeping track at home). With a ton of hours to work this week, it’s not unreasonable to think that I could be done with a skeletal version of the book by Wednesday of next week. Now there’s a scary thought. I’d still have to have four of the sections edited, some are going to expand in the coming month or two with more interviews (I’m trying to keep them a surprise for now), but I like to think of this as the home stretch. And just in time for summer!

Tell me what you want me to rant about this week and I’ll howl and scream at great length. I can’t think of anything outside of the norm that is frustrating me these days. Also, thank you to everyone who has commented or e-mailed me in the past two weeks to say you enjoy the mix tapes. If you want to make any suggestions about what you want to hear, or what I should listen to, feel free to drop a line or click the little comment box and tell me.