


Woke up in Bristol after that long night in Cambridge. After a bagel we drove into Providence and I got a tour of the Olneyville area, which is series of dilapidated, industrial-heavy dirty brick factories. I saw the Pink Rabbit. We stopped at Armageddon, a small store that caters mostly to metal and local music. They had a nice cheap copies of Tropics and Meridians (June of ’44) The Golden Vessyl of Sound (Yume Bitsu) on vinyl. From there we went up into the hills by Brown University, parked and walked around for a while. It’s a really nice area, much different than downtown Providence and beyond. There are some RISD buildings in the vicinity as well. Stopped at another record store on Thayer Street. There seemed to be an endless amount of college kids flowing through the streets. Aside from that main drag, the neighborhood is relatively quiet. My reaction of course, which is standard when I walk through most college campuses, is to think, “I wish I cared more in High School.”

On the drive back to Bristol we stopped at 1776 Liquors for two big bottles of Sam Adams Chocolate Bock (which are being saved for special occasions), a six-pack of Sam Adams Hefeweizen, and a six pack of Sea Dog Blue Paw.

Back at Ian’s we ran into two kids who work downstairs at the sandwich place and talked about Wolf Eyes and Arab on Radar and music of that ilk. Once upstairs, I cracked open a Red Hook ESB and we played some music. Countess, Song for Lubbock Texas and the new one I’m working on, me on guitar/vox and Ian on polyrhythmic drums. Then we switched it up and I played drums on some more adventurous noisy jams.

Ian tried to do some work and I watched a bad CGI movie about snakes on HBO. Then I left Bristol.

I started writing the first sample chapter of my book today. I’m creating the Chicago section first, because I believe the most information is in those interviews. I’m trying to make the interview with Jeff Mueller the focal point, while discussing his background and building a unique setting around our chat. It’s not hard making Tuman’s appear as cool as it is. Other than that, not much else is happening. There are a lot of shows coming to town next month. I got a note from Will Chatham (Crain) that he’s going to answer my questions I posed to him, and a letter from Coley (Maserati) thanking my for my kind words (and letting me know that he had just met Andre 3000). Things seem to be going well, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, or blinded by optimism.