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  • Sightings / Growing / Comets On Fire @ Bowery Ballroom; New York, NY

Sightings / Growing / Comets On Fire @ Bowery Ballroom; New York, NY

i had a very unusual visitor to my blog today. someone from the domain USCOURTS.GOV. i demand to know a) who was it (please be condoleeza) and b) am i being sued? already?

i went to a great show tonight.

sightings took the stage a little after nine and their sound was entirely scrambled. you couldn’t make much out, really. abrasive dissonance at its best. they had these moments when you’d become totally lost in the waves of white noise. it was kind of shocking how moving they were. i certainly wasn’t expecting it. i thought it’d get old (a 45-minute set with NO MELODIES?), and it eventually did, but not until the last song.

growing took the stage and did just what my friends and i do in my basement when we play really slow and stoned, but way better. the only difference was they had more expensive equipment. no drums. just sunn amplifiers and millions of blinking lights. bass player records drone loop onto line6 pedal, slowly builds up a super loud and dense drone and eventually maybe it lurches forward a little. it was like that for almost an hour without a break. very sleepy and very cool.

comets on fire came out and kicked some serious ass. the mix was very good during their set. i was most impressed by the drummer, and of course, always keeping one eye on the echoplex. it was all very wild and spastic. they were all over the place, like a hard-rocking long-haired southern-confederate band hopped up on ephedrines. i used to get mad that i missed them with sunn o))) last year, but they made up for it with a great show tonight. before the show i spoke to ethan miller for a minute. afterwards i told ben chasney i’d see him in july at tonic with garry higgins and we both expressed our desire to stick around that night to see khanate…only i won’t even be there, i’ll be on my road trip. i lied right to his face.

my favorite part was when