


it looks like the launch of the book writing road trip has been set. on july 11th, 2005 i will pack the car with some clothes, laptop, camera, tape recorder, tapes, notebooks, and guitar, and i will set out on the road for a while. for somewhere between 35 and 50 days, i will be gone. the map is coming together quite nicely. now all i need is to make rigorous contact with the contacts i need to meet with, and narrow the focus of the book slightly. my thesis is still far too vague. but don’t worry, i’ll have some help.

as it continues to progress, i will update with tidbits of news and notes. i’ll even post an itinerary, if i’m in your city you’ll email me (or IM me- link on the left hand side of the page) and we’ll dine (on your dime). maybe i can do some laundry at your place.

i have to go pick up a book and take ilya to the plane place so he can hop a winged horseless carriage to La-La-Land.