


as i write this, i am stuck behind an accident on a rain-slicked Interstate-78. it’s been close to an hour since i first realized i wasn’t going to be moving for awhile. the engine of my car is off, and there’s a dvd playing on a small window in the corner of my screen. sitting here, alone, with fog slowly creeping across my windows, i’m quite taken aback by how technologically advanced our society has become. there is no free wi-fi in this area, so i’ll just cut and paste this when i arrive at my destination. if pennsylvania had statewide free wireless internet access i would be in heaven. i guess society still has a bit further to go before traffic jams are as relaxing as sleeping on a plush couch at home. still, being able to watch a dvd in the car and just chill out is nowhere near as frustrating as it would be without my laptop.

i remember when the computer in my family’s basement (first there was an 88/80 and eventually a 486) was basically just a series of DOS programs made out of ASCII characters. at a young age i found my father’s copy of “leisure suit larry,” and thought the animation was incredible. computers now put those old, simplistic behemoths to shame, but on a rare occasion i yearn for the halcyon days. like recently when i was cleaning my father’s basement and found a floppy disk labeled “ADULT PROGRAMS: SEX MAN.” i have no way of seeing it’s contents anymore. no one uses floppy discs these days. “ADULT PROGRAMS: SEX MAN” will always remain a mystery to me.

traffic is moving. if i pass the accident and no one’s maimed i’m going to be pissed.